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I’d love to hear your idea for a segmnent on radio, do you have something intersting you’d like to share?
A mix of tools and software, the tool is nit important rather the craft and knowledge behind it.
I use a combination of DSLR and sports cameras (GoPro)
I also heavily use the Adobe Suite as part of my editing workflow.
You can watch the documentary on YouTube or Vimeo, or Facebook for free.
You can also view it here: https://mydancingeyes.net
Your best point of contact is the direct line, 02 4929 7819 or visit newy.com.au to find the correct contact form.
A coffee is that is required to keep this man happy. If you are feeling genrous and would like to caffinate me.
For serious enquiries only, sales calls and telemarketing not permitted. Call +61 2 4011 6288.